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  • Judy Amanda Gardner

The 11th Commandment

As the Hebrew new year approaches I find myself reflecting on the past twelve months of my life and scrutinizing society as a whole. Of course my spotlight is always drawn toward the Christian church because it has been a foundational source of who I am today. It is the christian church that introduced me to the Holy Hebrew Bible, the word of the Most High Creator God, at a very young age. It is the christian church that planted the seed which has lead me to seek truth, not your truth, not my truth, but the Most High Creator God's truth. The truth that transforms, absolute, supernatural, unchangeable, sanctified truth. That is what the church used to stand for and it aligned itself with scripture, giving me something to hold on to, something to strive for. But it appears that the church of today's theological application of scripture is based on world politics and changes with the direction of the wind. One example of this is the concept that "God's children are ALL loved the way they are" which is not only unbiblical but filled with emotional coddling, without substance. If it is the Most High Creator God's purpose to sanctify us and make us holy, one can logically deduce that this would involve some type of change which means that in our sinful state we are not the way the Most High wants us to be. The christian church that I now refer to as ancient, the church that would allow it's spiritual leaders to preach and quote all scriptures from the holy word of God, the Bible without filter has now been muzzled. It appears that the worldly politically correct wokeness that I am drowning in, has squelched and saturated the church and organized religion. In my quest to understand why this is happening in the church; this tsunami of apostasy as the world darkens around us, I noticed some disturbing themes, behaviours and viewpoints. I noticed the misinterpretation of scriptures, the ignoring of scriptures, the cherrypicking of scriptures and the downright throwing out and removal of scriptures from the Holy Hebrew Bible. The most deranged and concerning motif is the emergence of the 11th commandment in religious circles that has spread all throughout christianity like a cancer, a commandment that I will never keep; "Thou Shalt Not Call Evil Evil". I challenge you to break this commandment too.

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