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  • Writer's pictureAhavah Chavah

Is Self Confidence Biblical?

As believers in the Most High Creator God’s holy word, living in a society that no longer places value on biblical concepts, I was recently surprised when researching self confidence. Merriam Webster defines self confidence as, “someone's confidence in himself or herself and in his or her own abilities”. When reviewing the Holy Bible I found an eerie correlation between self confidence and pride. If an individual has full trust in them-self, how can they, trust in the the Most High with all of their heart, mind, body and soul? The prophet Jeremiah writes, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man” which one could argue means that those who trust in them-self are cursed, those who have confidence in them-self are cursed. He then goes on to write, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,

and whose hope is the Lord”. Highlighting the fact that trust in man including one’s self, and trust in the Most High Creator God can have completely different outcomes in the believers life. Many, including myself may be confused by this concept because we are inundated with messages from self-help books and fluffy sermons that elevate the importance of knowing your heart and trusting your intuition. But all you have to do is open up the Bible, and you will find clear contradictions to this popular message, littered throughout it’s pages. Jeremiah 17: 9 states that, ‘The heart is deceitful above all things,

and desperately wicked; Who can know it”? So why would one want to have trust and/or confidence in something that is deceitful and wicked? There are many biblical examples of individuals who trusted in themselves only to end up utterly destroying their relationship with the Most High, and, at times the lives of others. The ultimate self-confident, prideful being, haSatan, satan, the devil, our enemy and adversary, is a clear illustration of the destruction, decimation and devastation that transpires when these characteristics are elevated, honoured and nurtured, look around the earth. The apostle Paul, highlights the importance of dying to self, (1 Corinthians 15:31) and Christ told us “apart from me, you can do nothing”, (John 15:5).

I challenge you to ask the Most High for His wisdom the next time you hear a message honouring self-confidence.

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