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Quiet Time

A h a v a h   C h a v a h ' s   B l o g​

Please join the conversation as I share my thoughts, personal experiences and inspirations about the Most High Creator GOD researching topics from the Holy Hebrew Bible. 

  • Writer's pictureAhavah Chavah

There is so much debate today surrounding the nature of the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit, in religious circles. I have had many discussions with acquaintances who have embraced their Hebrew heritage and decided to join Hebrew Roots and/or Messianic movements. It was during these discussions that I found out the gender of the Ruach Hakodesh was believed to be a major source of “christian deception” along with many other biblical assertions. Many individuals from groups such as these feel that the Holy Spirit is the female/feminine part of the Most High Creator God, which he “pulled out of himself”, in a similar way to Adams rib being used to create Eve, (Genesis 2:22). Many who adhere to this belief often use books from the Apocrypha such as the Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus as sources to validate their assertion that the Ruach Hakodesh is not only “Wisdom” but also female/feminine. In my research I have found that this debate is vitally important because it is rooted in understanding the nature of the Most High Creator God. The spirit behind this deception is a very powerful one which is rooted in gnosticism, luciferianism and kabbalism. Many biblical scholars agree that this false teaching that the Ruach Hakodesh is female/feminine is not only a misinterpretation of scripture but also a very dangerous heretic teaching. The Holy Bible does not have one single scripture in it that refers to the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit, as female and/or feminine.

So what does the Bible say about the Spirit of God? The book of Revelation, (Rev 1:4), states that there are seven Spirits before the throne of “him which is, and which was, and which is to come”. I really had to research this scripture because I was raised to believe and understand the Ruach Hakodesh as being a Spirit, singular; so what is this reference to a seven fold Spirit? The book of Revelation, (Revelation 4:5), further goes on to state that, “…there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God”. So there it is in the Bible, the Most High Creator God has seven Spirits, there is no debating that. When engaging in further study to determine the nature of the Ruach Hakodesh, I was lead to another scripture in the book of Revelation, (Rev 5:6), “…in the midst of the elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth”. Still no mention of gender and/or wisdom which is often depicted as female/feminine. But wisdom is mentioned in the book of Isaiah, (Isaiah 11:2), as being one of the Spirits that’ “comes out of the stem of Jesse”. I was fascinated when reviewing this text because it literally lists seven attributes/components;

1 - The Spirit of the Lord

2 - The Spirit of Wisdom

3 - The Spirit of Understanding

4 -The Spirit of Counsel

5 - The Spirit of Might

6 - The Spirit of Knowledge

7 -The Fear of the Lord

Could these be the seven fold Spirits of the Most High Creator God? I absolutely will be praying about this and engaging in more research. I encourage you to do the same.

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  • Writer's pictureAhavah Chavah

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

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Blogging From My Prayer Room

This is my first post and I am so happy that my website is up and running. The Holy Spirit is moving people and I am blessed to share my journey through GOD's word. As a result, I have more views of my videos and they seem to increase weekly. Thank you again.

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Feel free to share your insights, personal stories and comments in the spirit of truth and respect. This is a forum where we can unpack further the topics I have covered in my videos and share messages of hope, faith and love.

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  • Writer's pictureAhavah Chavah

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

The Holy Hebrew Bible is an inspired book that guides me on my journey to the Most High Creator GOD. It is full of beautiful messages, prophecy, poetry, narration, parables and so much more that makes it a pleasure to read.

My Research Tools

I have found a wonderful collection of books that aide me in discovering and unpacking the Holy Hebrew Bible. They give me new perspectives and act only as a supplement to the word of the Most High, never a substitute.

Recommended Titles

Here is a list of recommended titles I use for my research when I create my videos. Please feel free to share any recommendations you might have.

Complete Jewish Bible - An English Version of the Tanakh and B’rit Hadashah - Stern

Cross Reference Bible - American Standard Version - 1910 Monser

KJV Wide Margin Personal Notes Edition - Lavender Plume

Authorized Kings James Version With Apocrypha - Oxford World's Classics

Encountering New Testament Manuscripts - Finegan

From Ancient Tablets To Modern Translations - Ewert

Josepheus - The Essential Works - Maier

Nelson's Compact Bible Handbook - Knight & Edwards

The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible - Nelson

The History Of The Church - Eusebius of Cesarea

The Oxford Study Bible - Revised English Bible With Apocrypha

The New Complete Works Of Josephus - Translated by Whiston

The Jewish Study Bible 2nd Edition - Tanakh Translation

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Pfeiffer & Harrison

NASB Study Bible - Zondervan

Illustrated Bible Dictionary - Zondervan - Revised by Silva

The Dead Sea Scrolls: Translated and with Commentary - Wise, Abegg Jr. & Cook

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